31e Mar 2023
Linux prevents the ssh connection from being automatically disconnected when it is not active
SSH connections are often disconnected automatically after a few minutes of inactivity for security reasons. You can keep the session connected by modifying the command.
Please add or modify the following line in /etc/ssh/ssh_config file.
[root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config
ClientAliveInterval 3600
ClientAliveCountMax 3
save and ...
31e Mar 2023
What are the tasks of daily server maintenance?
In recent years, network data security has become more and more important, and server maintenance has also been paid more and more attention. When maintaining servers, we must be cautious and handle daily maintenance work well, otherwise a small mistake will have a great impact. So, what kind of work do you need to do on a daily basis for server ...
28e Mar 2023
Linux delete uninstall utility command
Linux delete uninstall utility command
1. Use the terminal trash bin directory /dev/null is equivalent to the trash bin of the linux command line
To delete a file or folder, use the mv command to move the file or folder to /dev/null:
mv ceshi.txt /dev/null
2. Permanently delete files or folders, installation packages, etc.
rm -rf ceshi.txt or ...
28e Mar 2023