There are relatively few Russian server providers. Many people do not know much about Russian servers. Now, let's introduce the benefits of renting Russian servers to everyone!

  • Sufficient bandwidth

The network broadband of Russia is up to 40G, and it is also perfectly connected with Europe, Asia and the Americas. It also has USP two-way uninterrupted power supply, terminal thousand M access, and 100% data transmission channel cache.

  • High safety and stability

The world's top computer room and high-performance firewall ensure that the server is free from DDOS attacks. If the target group is in Russia and Europe, it is a good choice to rent Russian servers.

  • Loose control

The Russians have very little intervention in IDC, so there is no need to file;

  • Wide network connection range

In addition, Russia is not only an important button for the vertical and horizontal convergence of European and Asian networks, with its own huge backbone network, but also radiates the countries in the Asia Europe Free Trade Area in the economic hinterland, and has special high-end undersea optical cable docking in the Americas, so there is no problem of network congestion.


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